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The Clash of Civilization through Different Perspectives - Essay Example

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The paper "The Clash of Civilization through Different Perspectives" states that civil conflicts are deeply rooted globally; the conflict between the Hindu and the Muslims is evidence of cultural intolerance. Additionally, China has experienced religious conflict with its immediate neighbours such as Tibet’s…
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The Clash of Civilization through Different Perspectives
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The Clash of Civilization The future of civilization Notably, the Quigley models on the civilization of humankind take the intellectual, military, economic, political, religious, and social dimensions. This is a demonstration that world politics is evolving into a new era. In essence, world politics is witnessing the return of the traditional conflict and rivalries between nations (Surowiecki, 2004). Globalization and tribalism is causing conflict and decline in many nations hence influencing global politics. Conventionally, economic and ideological conflicts have been termed as the source of violence in the past; however, the current pattern of conflict will stem from intellectual and social dimensions. There is a great division between human beings globally due to the divergent cultures; notably, conflicts will be caused by the differences in cultures of people. In essence, the clash of civilization is the center of interest. In other words, the current differences and divisions on cultural background is the future battlefield (Webber, 2008). Imperatively, civilization refers to the cultural entities of ethnic groups, villages, religious groups, and nationalities. People are carried around the world at most with the principle of civilization. This situational phenomenon explains the advanced state of human society. This advanced state encompasses the far to which aspects like high levels of industry, science, government, as well as, culture have so far reached (Ridley, 2006). This paper will discuss the future of civilization under the relevant perspectives of system level analysis, state level analysis and individual level analysis in regards to politics. Systems-level analysis Conversely, civilization is the broader cultural identity and groupings of individual in the society; they vary, rise and fall, merge and divide, and end with time. It has to be restated that difference among civilization are basic and real. This is because people differentiate themselves based on culture, language, tradition, and religion (Surowiecki, 2004). People in the different culture perceive issues differently such as God, rights of others, equality, hierarchy, and freedom. These differences are real and the source of conflict in the future if not addressed. Discourse on the divergent cultural differences is essential in promoting peace and the future. The differences between cultures are the source of conflicts; however, conflict does not mean violence. Huntington (2007) asserts that globalization is reducing the world into a community of people through internet and information technology. This has opened up the world for trade, communication, education, and sports, as well as, political agenda. The interactions between people is reducing the world and shrinking the boundaries between nations. In other words, globalization is enhancing interaction between people in the world; moreover, this is enhancing awareness on the different culture, and intensifying civilization awareness (Ridley, 2006). This means that interaction of people is critical in reliving cultural animosity and enhances civilization mindset among people. Arguably, politics is the most changed part from the ancient period up to now is politics. Therefore, it is critical that people understood that the more people live, the more they gain a convincing tongue (Ridley, 2006). This is what has brought about a big change in the world of politics, under the umbrella of politics. Now, the main big argument here is where to focus the primary study of the world’s politics. First, under system level analysis of politics, it is important to understand that this criterion, deals effectively with the nature of the world. The nature of the world is at times evaluated as system level of analysis. The second issue of concern is the state level of civilization. Here, it all entails the foreign policy making of a country, and finally individual level of analysis on politics entails the study of the human species as an individual on the criterion of politics. Having understood the above, it is better to understand the far civilization has taken us (Surowiecki, 2004). The truth is that, the world of politics is being ushered into a new phase, however, without hesitations the intellectuals have further traced the whole phenomenon and what it will look like in the near future. The main analysis here falls on the decline of the nation states from globalism and tribalism, and the traditional rivalry return among nation states just to mention but a few. Notably, according to the experts, they assert that each of the above mentioned visions has touched on the emerging reality aspects. Before anchoring on the politics of now and of the near future, it is better to illustrate that system analysis is a top-down of evaluating and studying politics. T the beginning, through this top-down approach, one cannot fail to understand that it starts at a place where some international actor and countries do operate in a social economy that and political geographical environment all of which are global (Ellis, 2007). It follows that system analysis will help human kind to understand the future of this phenomenon. According to experts, they illustrate that for the vivid pattern of interaction, the system acts as the primary determinant. It determines and predicts how people will be behaving in the near future, since the system analysis section is a pure predictable engine, by its use, it can clearly point out a future behavior (Ridley, 2006). Hence bringing about future civilization in a certain area, for instance here, the future political civilization can effectively be identified by the use of system analysis level. Moreover, social change and economic improvement are the cause of the differences of people’s local identities (Ridley, 2006). Economic liberalization is the cause for the disintegration of nations globally; similarly, this has led to established ideas such as fundamentalism. It has to be restated that fundamentalism ideas is founded by people of different background, mostly educated young people, professionals, technicians, and businesspersons (Webber, 2008). The current social life of people is dominated by un-secularization of the world; notably, this provides the basis for commitment and identity. In essence, this is critical in uniting civilization and people of different background. In addition, the west plays a critical role in enhancing the growth of civilization consciousness since it is the apex of global power. In essence, western civilization plays a greater role in influencing the global culture and politics (Ridley, 2006). However, the confrontation between the west and the non-west is worrying since it raises political temperature. This is evidenced in the recent spark of conflicts in Ukraine where the west support one side while the non west, especially, Russia supporting the other faction. The influence the west had on global politics is diminishing significantly. However, the western culture is predominant in many societies (Ellis, 2007). The American culture, music, habits, and styles have infiltrated almost every society globally. Even the non-west who is imbued to indigenous culture has embraced western culture According to researchers it is well analyzed that at most political issue has been compounded on the threat caused by the movies, televisions, videos and rock music just to sample but a few. These are the mains factors that have been controlling politics of this world for along trine now (Huntington, 2007). Since there is a looming phenomenon on political civilization, the system level analysis explains that the political civilization is going towards a battle that will be more of a family centered than just a cultural aspect and mass media. Further it is noted that, people are consistently retreating into family-cultures, a thing that the system level, analysis projects as paralysis since, people are inviting the future with political paralyses. In generally, the system illustrates that the family is gradually loosing it initial significance and form in decline of the ancient world, hence absorbing more and more of selfness. State-level analysis According to Quigley, social organizations are the cultural elements advanced and improved by allowing interaction of people on social setting. To him, this is called instruments and when run by individuals, overtime, they become institutions. Institution have the ability to defend themselves, develop their interest, and advance their own cultural need. Therefore, institutions should be founded on a strong foundation to ensure that they live to their dreams. However, lack of a well-laid foundation leads to damage t the cultural orientations. In other words, institutions are critical for the future civilization as it helps in advancing the agenda of the people. For instance, financial capitalism is an institution advanced by western civilization. This institution is marred with shadow banking system, usury, and proliferation of intellectual property. In essence, financial capitalism is an institution that has enriched itself while depriving other people a chance to succeed (Huntington, 2007). Therefore, Quigley points out that institution need to be reformed radically. However, reforming institution radically can be accepted or rejected hence the need to be cautious. On the other hand, the institutions can fight the reforms instituted; the current financial crisis is an indicator of this assumption. Notably, financial capitalism is fighting the reforms instituted to ensure equality and fairness. Methinks that the best option is combating these institutions is to develop new routes. In the same criterion, state-level analysis has fully emphasized on internal process and national states as the main determinant of the world affairs. Thus, sate analysis mainly outlines the general midrange that are not fully general as compared to macro-analysis of all the international system, however less individualistic on human level analysis of the focus of micro-analytical. This analysis explains that most countries have so far been globalized and that things like multi-ethnic, faith and racial have are now complicated (Surowiecki, 2004). Due to globalization, it is affirmed that an issue such as multi-faith relations is no longer conceived as a single country’s phenomenon on rather a multi-countries phenomenon. Then this portrays the sense that in the near future, after political civilization will have taken over fully, it means that all political grounds will be staged internationally. In other words, a country will no longer stand on its own, when propagating politics. If that is not enough, the research stipulates that because of religion global resurgence, several societies are being embroided into what the experts call a Kulturkampf. In this phenomenon, both culture and politics are in rush to take over boundaries of secular and sacred in their common life (Huntington, 2007). In this way, identity politics have been brought in. This takes us back to the world when religion was not a thing to worry. During this time, politics were fully operated in a secular manner. In other words, politics and religion were two different phenomena. However, state level of analysis surmises that politics is not a secular thing, although it is gaining roots into what is called religion. According to recent news headline, it is worth noting that many nations are claiming that they want to lead a certain way of life (Ridley, 2006). For instance, there are those who are claiming to be Muslims and others are claiming to be Christians just to mention but a few. This portrays a fact that in the next political civilization, a certain country will be turned completely either to Muslim or to Christians. The favorism is thought to be a control of political power or dominancy (Ellis, 2007). In precision, the country that will have most of its political leaders as Muslims will make it a purely Muslim country and the country that will have majority of their leaders as Christians, then they might change the whole nation to be a Christian oriented. That is the projection of state-level analysis with regards to politics. Individual-level analysis It is inherent that cultural differences and characteristics are mutable, easily resolved, and compromised compared to political and economic ones. For instance, in Russia the poor people work hard and become rich, the communist are transformed politically and become democrats; however, the Azris cannot become Estonians (Webber, 2008). Religion plays a critical role in diffusing the divergent views that people have; religion and ethnicity is causing sharp differences in people. Notably, the increase in economic regionalization plays a critical role in reinforcing civilization consciousness. Therefore, nations need to rethink the role economic regionalization has on enhancing cultural understanding. Cultural differences should not preclude common culture plays a critical role in enhance economic and social interaction. Therefore, developing a common culture will enhance economic expansion between nations with different cultures. Religion and culture plays a critical role in enhancing civilization as people become coalesce in this impetus (Ellis, 2007). For instance, the Chinese economy thrives well owing to the traditional clans that surround it such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia. These nations provide china with a strategic position in dominating the Asian economy. In essence, these nations have substantial amount of manufacturing and technological capacity, fine communication infrastructure, natural resources, and exceptional entrepreneurial capabilities. In essence, this positions china as an emerging epicenter for business. However, on individual level, defining ones identity on religious and ethnic grounds is dangerous since it creates the perception of them against us. In essence, this makes people to view themselves differently thus impeding oneness (Ellis, 2007). Therefore, people need to address animosities raised by religious and ethnic differences and embrace each other. The ethnic animosities and identities should not be permitted into the society. Differences in religion and culture causes differences on policies developed touching on environment, business, and human rights. For instance, the geographical propinquity should be a platform to initiate and promote liberalism and democratic values. The efforts by nations to maintain economic and political dominance is a threat to civilization (Webber, 2008). This is because people will try to advance religious and civilization identity when advancing economic interest. Moreover, mobilization of support and formation of coalition has been on the grounds of ethnic stance. Individual level of analysis also has an influence of political world. This at most is a focus on the human actors of the world. In essence, the complex process of human decision-making has staged a bigger role (Surowiecki, 2004). Some of the decision making of humans is goals establishment, gathering of information, and making policies just to mention but a few. The human role, according to experts can be categorized into three sections. The first one can be organizational behavior, nature of human and the behaviors that are thought to be idiosyncratic. In generally, it is of no offense to note that human behavior involves the fundamentals of decision making in a human. However, the related environment centrally locates a human decision. With that, it is then noted that to some extent, individual level of analysis has a basis in the future civilization of politics. Webber (2008), state that individuals are trending to technology owing to its reliability and availability. In that manner, the ancient times when technology was not viewed as an important thing are now a gone days. With that in mind, it is then thought that the next generation will entirely base their interaction non-technology (Ridley, 2006). Furthermore, this is what will influence those in power. The decision to either to embrace or not embrace will entire come from what people are talking about in the media, on an internal platform,. Therefore, civilization here in terms of politics will entirely rely on technological influence. In conclusion, as stated above, the future of civilization is entirely dependent on the three aspects (Webber, 2008). The aspects are system-level analysis, state-level analysis and lastly the individual level of analysis. All the three incorporate to give out a clear vision of what anything or any aspect in the world can be can be determined. Therefore, it is wise top note that the world’s civilization is a formation of the above three, and that the entire standing of aspects are totally controlled to its civilization by the above three aspects. In the side of politics, the three have made it to the heightened level of civilization, and they still project the looks of civilization in the near future. In sum, western culture and nations are dominating civilization process using the military power, international institution, and economic resources. In essence, these resources are used in promoting western economic, political, and social values. Moreover, they use these resources in protecting their interest globally (Ellis, 2007). However, the western concepts differs significantly with Islamic, Hindu, Japanese, orthodox, and Buddhist approaches to issues such as free markers, equality, human rights, and liberalism. The western nations have tried to impart and propagate their concepts of constitutionalism, individualism, rule of law, and separation of power between the state and the church. However, these concepts have little or no resonance. Notably, civilization conflicts are deeply rooted globally; the conflict between the Hindu and the Muslims is an evidence of cultural intolerance. Additionally, china has experienced religious conflict with their immediate neighbors such as Tibet’s who are Buddhist. They have established ruthless policies towards its Turkic Muslim minority. Moreover, the difference between china and United states on trade, human rights, and proliferation of weapon is the cause of cold war Recommendation The advancement of civilization should not be the tool in propagation of violence and animosity. However, divergence political, social, and economic developments and opinions should be respected. In essence, each nation should embrace each other and the diversity should be a cause for people to unite. Foreign policies and diplomatic relationship should benefit both sides of the divide. In essence, nations should consider culture and values of other nations when advancing they policies. This is critical since some policies do not have resonance and undermines other people culture. Moreover, religious animosity and intolerance should be checked to enable people express their freedom of expression and worship. Many conflicts such as Hindus and Muslims germinated from religious intolerance. References Ellis, G. (2007). Cultures and conflict the waning of the clash of civilizations. New York: University of Waterloo. Huntington, S. (2007). The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World O. New York: Simon and Schuster. Ridley, M. (2006). The origins of virtue: Human instincts and the evolution of cooperation. . Londo: Viking Penguin. . Surowiecki, J. (2004). The wisdom of crowds. New York: Doubleday. The Clash of Civilizations. (2001). The Nation , 11-13. Webber, M. &. (2008). Rethinking society in the 21st century: critical readings in sociology (2nd ed.). . Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. Read More
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