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Hong Kong Protests Analysis - Essay Example

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The essay "Hong Kong Protests Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the Hong Kong protests. Reuters presents a story about Hong Kong protesters regrouping for another round of protests after failed talks with the government…
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Hong Kong Protests Analysis
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It dwells in the same old content that has been reported over the weeks.

Nevertheless, it uses captivating pictures that capture the attention of the reader. These pictures show how the protestors are prepared and determined to remain on the streets no matter what happens and regardless of how long it takes to achieve their agenda. The reporters show bias because they seem to sympathize with the pro-democracy demonstrators and condemn the Chinese government for taking a hard stand on the decision not to allow democracy in Hong Kong.

This story is timely because of the ongoing demonstrations. The authors use quotes from prominent officials, which gives the story credibility and reliability. Moreover, the reporters give a background to the issue of Hong Kong demonstrations, and this helps people who have not been following current events understand the context of the story. Finally, the target audiences are the Chinese government and world leaders who can bring intervention to help sort out the issue between Hong Kong and Beijing. For the government of China, it aims to show them how resilient the protestors have become, and they are not willing to give up anytime soon. Read More
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